Unclaimed Property Event
Friday, Feb. 28
11 a.m. to 2 p.m.
Clarion District Office
160 S. 2nd Ave., Suite C
Clarion, PA 16214
Clarion County has $3.7 million in property within the Treasury Department. A representative from the PA Treasury will be in attendance to help constituents. If you are interested, please call 814-226-9000 to schedule an appointment.
Property Tax/Rent Rebate Clinics
Monday, March 10
9:30 a.m.
Sugarcreek Volunteer Fire Department
110 Rodgers Road
East Brady, PA 16028
Worthington West Franklin
Community Library
214 E. Main St., Suite 1
Worthington, PA 16262
Tuesday, March 11
10 a.m.
Elderton Borough Building
200 S. Main St.
Elderton, PA 15736
12:30 p.m.
Rural Valley Fire Department
730 W. Main St.
Rural Valley, PA 16249
Income limits increased again this year to $46,520 for both homeowners and renters. This is due to a 2023 law that calls for adjusting the income limit based on annual increases in the Consumer Price Index. Remember to exclude 50% of Social Security when determining your income. The maximum rebate is $1,000.
The program is open to residents 65 years and older; widows and widowers 50 years and older; and people with disabilities 18 years and older.
Please call my Kittanning district office at 724-954-3613 to schedule an appointment.
Telephone Town Hall
Monday, March 17
4 p.m.
Special Guest: House Republican Appropriations Chairman Jim Struzzi (R-Indiana)
Chairman Struzzi and I will discuss Gov. Josh Shapiro’s budget proposal and explain what House Republicans will be fighting to include.
Stay tuned for more information on how you can listen in.
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