More than $214,000 Allocated to Local Learning Center, Says Bashline
January 16, 2025
HARRISBURG – Rep. Josh Bashline (R-Clarion/Armstrong) announced today the School Safety and Security Committee awarded $214,873 in Building Opportunity Through Out-of-School Time (BOOST) Grant funding to Keystone SMILES Community Learning Center in Knox. The goal is to amplify and expand afterschool and summer programming for at-risk students in Clarion, Venango and Mercer counties, while resuming services in Jefferson County.
“This tremendous center does wonderful work for students in Clarion County,” said Bashline. “I am pleased to see this crucial funding allocated to continue the mission of helping students who need it most.”
The funding will be used to support the partial salaries and benefits of three program coordinators and time for six AmeriCorps members; mileage for travel between sites; science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) and educational supplies, office supplies and art supplies; and building usage costs.
Keystone SMILES Community Learning Center plans to expand its reach by 30%, serving around 1,200 students and aiming for 80% of participants to show improved academic engagement and improved motivation, leadership, attitude, organization and behavior.
Local BOOST grant projects are eligible to receive up to $250,000 in funding to support structured programs or activities with engaged mentors and evidence-based/informed practices provided to school-age youth before school, after school or during the summer. Eligible applicants were school districts, area career and technical schools, libraries, statewide youth-serving nonprofit organizations and community-based nonprofits.
Representative Josh Bashline
63rd Legislative District
Pennsylvania House of Representatives
Media Contact: Nate Temple
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